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שו"ת על הדף

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Sanhedrin 15-21/Noda B'Yehuda/May a Jew Hunt?

Gedaliah Wielgus | 01/08/2025

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Bava Basra 155-161/Noda B'Yehuda/Autopsy on the Gallstones Victim

Gedaliah Wielgus | 12/04/2024

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Bava Basra 120-126/Avnei Nezer/Does the Son-in-Law Inherit the Rabbinate?

Gedaliah Wielgus | 10/31/2024

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Bava Metziah 70-76/Mishnas Rav Aharon/May Teachers Go on Strike?

Gedaliah Wielgus | 05/15/2024

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Bava Metziah 63-69/Igros Moshe/The Yeshiva-Bachur-Thief

Gedaliah Wielgus | 05/08/2024

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Bava Metziah 21-27/Ein Yitzchak/Using Modern Technology to Free an Agunah

Gedaliah Wielgus | 03/27/2024

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Bava Kama 104-110/Avnei Zikaron/The Chevra Kadisha Aliya Grab

Gedaliah Wielgus | 02/21/2024

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Bava Kama 76-82/Yabia Omer/Trading Terrorists for Hostages

Gedaliah Wielgus | 01/24/2024

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Bava Kama 69-75/Sridei Eish/Lowering Kashrus Standards to Accomdate the Less Religious

Gedaliah Wielgus | 01/17/2024

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Bava Kama 41-47/Mayim Amukim/The Very Bitter Estranged Wife

Gedaliah Wielgus | 12/20/2023

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Bava Kama 20-26/Panim Meiros/Oops, I Shot My Friend

Gedaliah Wielgus | -

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Kiddushin 66-72/Shevus Yaakov/The Brother-in-Law WIth the Deformed Foot

Gedaliah Wielgus | 10/25/2023

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Kiddushin 10-16/Aznei Yehoshua/The Husband Walking Back the Outburst

Gedaliah Wielgus | 08/30/2023

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Gittin 85-90/Tiferes Yedidya/The Woman Unconcerned About the Terrible Mistake in her Get

Gedaliah Wielgus | 08/16/2023

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Gittin 78-84/Tzitz Eliezer/May-Must I Donate My Kidney?

Gedaliah Wielgus | 08/09/2023

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Gittin 57-63/Afarkasta D'anya/Is One Permitted to Write a Sefer?

Gedaliah Wielgus | 07/20/2023

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Gittin 43-49/B'tzel Hachachma/Accepting Holocaust Reparations for a Shul

Gedaliah Wielgus | 07/05/2023

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Gittin 36-42/Peulas Tzadik/The Son Interfering in the Father's Business

Gedaliah Wielgus | 06/28/2023

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Gittin 22-28/Shevet Sofer/Institutionalizing the Sick Child in a Non-Kosher Facility

Gedaliah Wielgus | 06/14/2023

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Sotah 42-48/Noda B'Yehuda/The Highly Unusual Mother-in-Law Relationship

Gedaliah Wielgus | 05/24/2023

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Sotah 28-34/Chaim Sha'al/Instituting Hallel for a Modern Miracle

Gedaliah Wielgus | 05/03/2023

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Sotah 21-27/Z'kan Aharon/Are Beis Yaakovs Real Yeshivas?

Gedaliah Wielgus | 04/26/2023

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Sotah 14-20/Terumas Hadeshen/The Hoshanos Scuffle

Gedaliah Wielgus | -

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Nazir 51-57/Igros Moshe/Wearing a Deceased Brother's Shoes

Gedaliah Wielgus | 03/22/2023

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Nazir 44-50/Minchas Yitzchak/Soap From Holocaust Victims

Gedaliah Wielgus | 03/15/2023

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Nazir 23-29/Be'er Sheva/Covering Hair With a Sheitel

Gedaliah Wielgus | 02/22/2023

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Nazir 9-15/Yeshuos Malko/Infant Death & Yibum

Gedaliah Wielgus | 02/08/2023

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Nedarim 78-84/Maharach Ohr Zarua/The Gambler Who Couldn't Quit

Gedaliah Wielgus | 01/18/2023

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Nedarim 71-77/Har Tzvi/Never Worry About Ribbis Again

Gedaliah Wielgus | 01/11/2023

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Nedarim 64-70/Tashbatz/The Suspiciously Mature Baby

Gedaliah Wielgus | 01/04/2023

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Nedarim 36-42/Minchas Elazar/Learning Iyun & Giving Hespedim on Shabbos

Gedaliah Wielgus | 12/07/2022

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Nedarim 29-35/Shoel Umeishiv/Teaching Women Torah

Gedaliah Wielgus | 11/30/2022

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Nedarim 22-28/Maharik/The Father's Shidduch-Veto Rights

Gedaliah Wielgus | 11/23/2022

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Nedarim 15-21/Oneg Yom Tov/Eating Matzah Against Doctor's Orders

Gedaliah Wielgus | 11/16/2022

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Nedarim 8-14/Tashbatz/Messing Over the Yevamah

Gedaliah Wielgus | 11/09/2022

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Nedarim 2-7/Torah Lishma/Testing the Housekeeper

Gedaliah Wielgus | -

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Kesubos 105-111/Avnei Nezer/Can We Move to Israel? Are We Required To?

Gedaliah Wielgus | 10/26/2022

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Kesubos 63-69/Maharshadam/Yibum, Chalitza & Family Politics

Gedaliah Wielgus | 09/14/2022

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Kesubos 56-62/Chelek Levi/Learning in the Morning vs. Learning at Night

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Kesubos 42-48/Ta'alumos Halev/Milah on Children from Illicit Unions

Gedaliah Wielgus | 08/24/2022

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Kesubos 35-41/Ein Yitzchak/Curing the Perpetual Niddah

Gedaliah Wielgus | 08/17/2022

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Kesubos 28-34/MiMa'amakim/Cooking in the Ghetto on Shabbos

Gedaliah Wielgus | 08/10/2022

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Kesubos 21-27/Machane Chaim/The Plagiarizing Sofer

Gedaliah Wielgus | 08/04/2022

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Kesubos 14-20/Sridei Eish/Co-Ed Kiruv Organizations

| 07/27/2022

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Kesubos 7-13/Chaim B'yad/The Lamdan Brokering in the World's Oldest Profession

Gedaliah Wielgus | 07/20/2022

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Yevamos 114-120/Rav Pe'alim/Using Superstitious Gambling Strategies

Gedaliah Wielgus | 07/06/2022

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Yevamos 100-106/Melamed Lihoil/Pidyon HaBen on a Child With the Unknown Father

Gedaliah Wielgus | 06/22/2022

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Yevamos 93-99/Meishiv Davar/Purchasing the Overrated Chacham's Mitzvos

Gedaliah Wielgus | 06/15/2022

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Yevamos 79-85/Shevus Yaakov/Kohen Who Married the Secret Chalutza

Gedaliah Wielgus | 06/01/2022

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Yevamos 72-78/Satmar Rav/Artificial Insemination From a Third Party Donor

Gedaliah Wielgus | 05/25/2022

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Yevamos 65-71/Tzitz Eliezer/Aborting the Tay-Sachs Fetus

Gedaliah Wielgus | 05/18/2022

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Yevamos 58-64/Teshuvos Beis Yosef/The Ashkenazi Who Wanted a Second Wife

Gedaliah Wielgus | 05/11/2022

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Yevamos 37-43/Chasam Sofer/The Kohen's Wife and the Changing Assault Claim

Gedaliah Wielgus | 05/04/2022

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Yevamos 44-50/Mahari Bruna/Chalitza from the Brother of Questionable Origin

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Yevamos 30-36/Pinei Hasadeh/Discovering the Tefillin Were Never Kosher

Gedaliah Wielgus | -

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Yevamos 23-29/Igros Moshe/Remarrying After the Lumberyard Tragedy

Gedaliah Wielgus | -

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Yevamos 9-15/Noda B'Yehuda/Dangerous Chalitza for the Intermarried Woman

Gedaliah Wielgus | 03/23/2022

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Yevamos 2-8/Minchas Asher/Disclosing Trauma to One's Spouse

Gedaliah Wielgus | 03/16/2022

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Chagigah 14-20/Maharsham/Cutting Edge Fertility Treatment in Halacha

Gedaliah Wielgus | 03/02/2022

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Chagigah 7-13/Yad Eliyahu/Teaching Torah Honestly to Non-Jews

Gedaliah Wielgus | 02/23/2022

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Sports Gambling & Promos in Halacha

Gedaliah Wielgus | 02/02/2022

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Moed Katan 2-6/Mishne Halachos/Kohanim Taking the BP/Willy Bus

Gedaliah Wielgus | 01/19/2022

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Megilah 24-30/Chukei Chaim/Publicly Displaying Pictures of Women

Gedaliah Wielgus | 01/12/2022

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Megilah 17-23/Ohr Yitzchak/Writing a Sefer Torah Via Silk Screen

Gedaliah Wielgus | 01/05/2022

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Megilah 10-16/Az Nidbiru/Husband & Wife Zemiros Duet

Gedaliah Wielgus | 12/29/2021

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Megilah 3-9/Ha'Elef Licha Shlomo/Burning Moses Mendelssohn's Books

Gedaliah Wielgus | 12/22/2021

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Taanis 26-31/Maharam Alashkar/Compelling Observance of Purim Sheni on 11 Teves

Gedaliah Wielgus | 12/15/2021

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Taanis 19-25/Minchas Yitzchak/Female Patients & Male Doctors

Gedaliah Wielgus | 12/08/2021

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Rosh Hashana 32-25/Shaagas Aryeh/Carrying a Shofar for a Woman

Gedaliah Wielgus | 11/17/2021

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Rosh Hashana 25-31/Chacham Tzvi/The Newlyweds and the Suspiciously Quick Baby

Gedaliah WIelgus | 11/10/2021

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Rosh Hashana 18-24/Shoel Umeishiv/The Alleged Death of the Get-Refusing Heretic

Gedaliah Wielgus | 11/03/2021

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Rosh Hashana 4-10/Rema MiPano/Inheritance of the Childless Couple

Gedaliah Wielgus | 10/20/2021

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Beitzah 36-40/Chazon Nachum/The Conditional Kiddush

Gedaliah Wielgus | 10/13/2021

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Beitzah 29-35/Rema/Backlash After the Friday Night Wedding

Gedaliah Wielgus | 10/06/2021

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Beitzah 8-14/Ein Yitzchak/Divorce of the Broke Husband and Crazy Wife

Gedaliah Wielgus | 09/15/2021

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Sukkah 42-48/Maharshag/Ignoring the Requirement to Eat in the Sukkah on Shemini Atzeres

Gedaliah Wielgus | 08/25/2021

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Sukkah 28-34/Teshuvas Rav Azriel/Gomel Following a Failed Suicide Attempt

Gedaliah Wielgus | 08/12/2021

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Sukkah 21-27/Chaim Sha'al/Financial Fallout of a Broken Engagement

Gedaliah Wielgus | 08/04/2021

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Sukkah 7-13/Binyan Tziyon/The Meikil Feeding the Machmir

Gedaliah Wielgus | 07/21/2021

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Sukkah 2-6/Maharid/Mikvah While on Fertility Treatment

Gedaliah Wielgus | 07/15/2021

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Yoma 80-86/Rematz/Fasting During a Pandemic

Gedaliah Wielgus | -

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Yoma 73-79/Rav Pe'alim/Proper Teshuva for Serious Sins

Gedaliah Wielgus | -

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Yoma 66-72/Torah Lishma/Lending a Sefer Torah to a House Minyan

Gedaliah Wielgus | 06/23/2021

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Yoma 52-58/Ksav Sofer/A Get From an Old, Sick Man

Gedaliah Wielgus | 06/09/2021

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Yoma 45-51/Radbaz/Proper Attitude Towards Worldly Jews

Gedaliah Wielgus | 06/02/2021

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Yoma 24-30/R' Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld/Double-Dipping on Sandakaus

Gedaliah Wielgus | 05/12/2021

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Yoma 17-23/Tashbatz/Must the Kollels be Shut Down?

Gedaliah Wielgus | 05/05/2021

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Yoma 10-16/Tuv Ta'am Vodas/Taking the Rabbinate Back Into the Family

Gedaliah Wielgus | -

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Yoma 3-9/Beis Halevi/Can I Just Have the Mohel Do It?

| 04/21/2021

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Yoma 2/Chelkas Yoav/The Chazzan-Shochet Tearing the Community Apart

Gedaliah Wielgus | 04/14/2021

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Shekalim 10-16/Mayim Amukim/Rights to the House Minyan

Gedaliah Wielgus | 04/07/2021

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Pesachim 116-121/Yechave Daas/Leaving Israel for Business or Pleasure

Gedaliah Wielgus | 03/24/2021

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Pesachim 109-115/Nofech/The Reckless Attorney-in-Fact

Gedaliah Wielgus | 03/17/2021

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Pesachim 102-108/Har Tzvi/A Doctor Leeching his Father

Gedaliah Wielgus | 03/10/2021

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Pesachim 95-10/Be'er Yitzchak/Marrying the At-Risk Nursing Woman

Gedaliah Wielgus | 03/03/2021

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Pesachim 88-94/Rosh/Evading Property From the Daughter's Creditors

Gedaliah Wielgus | 02/24/2021

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Pesachim 81-87/Rashbash/The Nephew-in-Law Witness

Gedaliah Wielgus | 02/17/2021

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Pesachim 74-80/Divrei Chaim/K'zayis or Bust?

Gedaliah Wielgus | 02/10/2021

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Pesachim 67-73/Chavos Yair/The Fraudulent Kohen

| 02/03/2021

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Pesachim 60-66/Meishiv Davar/How to Deal With the Sinning Sofer

Gedaliah Wielgus | 01/27/2021

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Thu, February 13 2025 15 Shevat 5785